Walking? or Dancing? in the Rain.
I was asked this question, 'is the song "walking" or "dancing" in the rain?'. I lost the grasp of my memory about the title and somehow failed to come up with an answer. 'Dancing', I said, with much hesitation and a little pretentious arrogance recalling the musical in which the leading actor happily dances in a pouring rain.
But neither dancing nor walking is right after my chance discovery in the cyberspace today. The song is in fact 'Singing in the Rain'. What a trivial thing that I am fussing about now!! However, I do feel embarrassed or, more appropriately, upset about my being incorrect. I even wrote an entry about the musical early this year but still couldn't remember its title. Symptoms of senility. There is nothing seriously wrong about being incorrect in this case perhaps, if only distressing.
It is not the fact of forgetting the correct title that is bothering. I was making decisions between two GIVEN choices, dancing or walking, but forgot that a possible answer is located outside the choices. This forgetfulness is worrying.
Disappointing is the frequency that 'alternatives' do not always seem to be apparent to me.
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