Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Acquisition in the House

Two years after we moved in, we finally acquired a set of wooden chairs to furnish up the dinning room! They are elegant and comfy companions indispensable to an enjoyable dinner from Kashiwa furniture.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Garden in June: Lavender

I still am not very sure if I love lavender. In my impression, they are too popularly loved that it becomes difficult to appreciate their beauty.

However, for my herbs project in the garden, I planted some lavender in the garden 2 years ago, After a long wait, now here they are, blooming and airing natural aroma.

They are lovely adornments, and their quiet scent soothes whoever approaches them.

One regret is probably that I should have dedicated a larger space to them. It is difficult to understand their humble beauty in these two small bundles.