Monday, July 06, 2009

My Domestic Goddess Project:
Light Eats and the Rainy Season

We had a short break from the non-stop rain of the season yesterday. It was breezy and sunny. Shadows of laundry trotted across the curtain like running horses.

It provided a wonderful atmosphere for light and simple eats in this suffocating season of humidity. We had tomato flower cum plum pickles and cold plain noodle for lunch. Both were refreshing and very appetizing! I love beautiful presentation of food than the food itself, to be frank. The tomato was cut in a vertical direction so that it was able to bloom. Plain noodle dipped in dashi (だし) sauce (1 dashi: 2 water) was simply tasty. It tasted clam, cold, and pleasant. It felt as if pores, eyes and ears were temporarily immue from the heat and humidity in the air. The Japanese vocabulary that I just picked up, 素直な, might describe the taste well, or perhaps 'rustic'. I admit that the description sounds rather pretentious or exaggerating, but I really liked the weightless look and taste of the food.
The noodles floated in the amber dipping sauce gleaming like necklaces of coral. My tongue almost abandoned its duty at the sight of the translucency in the presentation.

Over the last few days, I have been experimenting with several light dishes. Spinach in crashed sesame seeds, sesame oil, sugar and some soy sauce; Asian cucumber blended in miso paste, sesame oil, a pinch of sugar. They were small delights on the dinning table for sure.

Bravo Veggies! They provide soothing company in summer!

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