I have kept a bag of organic apples during this week, and they have been soothing my fatigue that accumulates during the day! Those organic jewels are small enough that I can hold them tight in my palm, a good size for a couple of satisfactory bites after breakfast or before dinner. Excellent taste!
On another day in the library, a lady was sitting next to me in the computer room eating. Of course, eating is absolutely disallowed in the library! But she was even eating an apple! And doubtlessly her enjoyment was creating an enormous crunching sound 'echoing' in the room. I side-glanced at her and her food. Curious was that her apple had a lot of bruises, or to put it more accurately, a lot of holes spreading over its surface. That was also a palm-size apple, and the size of which made the cluster of wounds even more noticeable. Perhaps she had put the apple together with a pointy pen in her handbag, I guessed.
When I was looking out from the window today in my study room in the library. I found the apple tree right outside of it leaden with fruit now. And suddenly I saw that most of these green apples shared the same feature with the apple in the computer room. They were bruised and damaged in a quite identical way: now I know, birds* must have pecked them before the reach of anybody else!
The mystery about that apple in the computer room is now solved!
* I have a new discovery today, they are ravens! : )