Since the end of September, I have been seized by an obsession with baking. Most of the time, there isn't any reason or occasion to bake for, but smelling the mixture of egg and flour is itself an unbeatable joy.
In the beginning, I simply reproduced the old recipes that I used to follow. Only occasionally did I consult my cook book, Nigella Lawson's How to Be a Domestic Goddess.

One day when I was holding Domestic Goddess in my arms, my housemate joked that it seems to be my bible and suggested that I should try to complete all of its recipes. This random thought sounded like an interesting challenge. Yes, it would be fun to start a Domestic Goddess project, isn't it? So here I begin my baking diary following Nigella's magic hands measuring, chopping, blending, and playing with aromatic ingredients. It is especially fun when following those recipes that do not come with photos of their end products. An advantage is that these verbal descriptions do not impose any standard by which my neophyte efforts can be judged. Yet, there is a disadvantage that my beginner's knowledge cannot equip me with knowledgeable imagination about what I can expect. A friend said that it can be very trying when waiting for the baking to be done. After the batter/dough or whatever enters the oven, what remains with the bakers on the other side of the oven are anxiety and anticipation. It is somehow true, but why is baking still one of the most common ways to relax among people that I know?
Anyway, it is the first entry of my Domestic Goddess project: Blueberry Muffins. It is on p. 72 of that book. I substituted blueberries with raisins. The raisins were soaked in rum overnight, and I self-indulgently convinced myself that they were more like fresh blueberries in that way. They came out very well, I think. The faint sweet smell of rum was very addicting.
Let's see how far I can go with this project.