Diary III: Rehearsal of "A Question of Power"
in Drama Studio 2, York St. John's College
This series of posts looks like a shameless self-promotion (I am indebted to Aki for the coinage which she used on another occasion).
And yes, it is, not "shameless", though.
Everyone, male and female, is cordially invited to this show.
The whole cast went to Drama Studio 2 in St. John's College last Sunday for the first full-cast rehearsal for "A Question of Power". Except for one lady's reading of a 18th century woman's petition, the whole program is composed of every presenter's own created works, including dance, drama, poetry and short story, and music.
Performers come from every walk of life: students (under and postgraduate), a retired teacher, actresses, and an amateur writer and a singer.
The title of the show sounds a bit aggressive, but it is not.
It's not totally about how women are abused in this world or how women should fight for a better equality in this world.
It's an open-minded occasion for female presenters to share their works, works that are related to issues of power. The word "power" itself sounds too imposing somehow, but experiences of "power" do not necessarily have negative connotations. We feel empowered or disempowered almost in everything, happy or unhappy. The show is about how these women look at and negotiate with their daily experiences of "power".
The rehearsal took almost an entire day from 11 am to 4 pm. I was very moved myself by other ladies' stories. Their works are about mothers, politics, romance, social problems, etc.
Women are always very good at telling stories, aren't we? Think about our mothers! They are the first story-tellers in our lives.
Besides, St. John's is absolutely a nice venue for Saturday afternoons!
I believe we will have a very moving and warm afternoon together.